The sweetest thing

Love is the sweetest thing – it comes in all shapes and sizes, but it most certainly is sweet, with a dash of bitterness. But today I come with part two of the list with movies about love. As usual, it will be a very subjective list but hey – love is subjective, is it not?
I came here tonight because when you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible.
I think that as I grow older and wiser (haha), I appreciate more mature love stories. The unconventional. Sure, the cheesy comedies are fun to take my mind off things, but… I could just as easily treat them as a background noise for me working or browsing through the Internet.
As we approach the world’s most famous commercial love fest, I am in this sweetest mood – at least on the outside. The inside is a bit darker, so… What I need is some Light of Earendil! And as tradition goes, MM and I are celebrating that day, the only way besties could: with the extended The Lord of the Rings marathon!

Lord of the Rings is… Each time we are watching it, it’s like we’re doing it for the first time. And the extended cut is just a real gift for humanity. It is like the sweetest, moistest cake you eat with your bestie whenever you feel sad.
I’m scared of walking out of this room and never feeling the rest of my whole life the way I feel when I’m with you.
However! Today I come to you with part two of the list I made a few ways back. Back then, LOTR made the top of said list. I think there are a lot of great rom-coms out there, and one day I promise to make the cheesiest list of them all.
But this time of my life… Is all about the sweetness. And I don’t mean no sugar, no. This soul sweetness is something that I’m missing. Last few weeks were mentally awful – I struggled a lot with social life and work and everything in-between.

I feel like this winter is endless. Winter… Gosh, if it was a real one, then I suppose I wouldn’t be feeling this way. But having days with all 4 seasons in one hour? That’s a bit too much. Can spring come? I wanna go out and have a glass of wine in my favorite pub, outside.
Our love is like the wind. I can’t see it, but I can feel it.
For a few years now, V-Day is not only a couple’s fest for me. It’s a celebration of love, the purest form of endearment. I love my family, my friends… This is a day as good as any other to express how grateful I am to have them in my corner.
And you know what? I realized this year, that when I’m in a relationship with a dude sometime, MM’s and mine V-weekend tradition will always come first. There will never be anything as important as watching Galadriel giving presents to the Fellowship, Aragorn opening THE doors and ultimately saying “My friends, you bow to no one”.
Today’s list contains 10-ish of my favorite films about different kinds of love – between friends, family… Love that wasn’t all so sweet. Toxic, dangerous one. But also pure, unconditional and magical. Hope you will enjoy it!!!

I don’t want to sound foolish, but remember love is what brought you here. And if you’ve trusted love this far, don’t panic now. Trust it all the way.
- We bought a Zoo – oh man, I will never forget the first time I watched it with my dear friend Szymon, back in 2012. We were supposed to get tutoring in math, but we were going to the movies instead, every Friday. This was one of the best movies we have watched together. A wonderful story about the complicated love we, as children, have for our parents. It’s the sweetest!
- Bones and all – never thought I will “enjoy” watching a romantic horror, but there’s plenty I can do for Timmy. This movie struck me. After all, it’s about two young cannibals on a road (flee, really), starting to fall in love with each other. And oh, that ending. Chills, to the bones… And all.
- Little Women – any version, really. Be that one with Christian Bale or Timothée Chalamet. Based on one of my favorite books, it’s a story about how love and marriage was the only thing women were fit for. But Jo, Jo March decides that she is more than that. Powerful movie with electrifying meaning.
- La La Land – City of stars, are you shining just for me? Oh, what a beautiful story! And I am not very keen on musicals, you know? This one was different – the colors, the plot, the music. The sweetest! Also, that soundtrack is one of my favorite to play on the piano.
- Star Wars OT – Han and Leia are the original OGs, am I right? The iconic dialogue between them… This trilogy should have made the list previously, but you know. Better late than never! But also, can we appreciate the dynamic trio love? Together they were so chaotic, but would die for each other. The sweetest love!
- Star Trek II & III – Spock and Kirk’s friendship was a rocky road but damn, show me a person that didn’t cry watching Wrath of Khan. Gosh, it was so emotional for me! Their relationship was so essential, beautiful and meaningful.
- The Prestige – Now, I was thinking: how the hell do I “justify” this movie being here? But when you really think about it, The Prestige IS about love, just a different type. Alfred Borden (Christian Bale) loved performing, but with that came a struggle in his personal life. Robert Angier (Hugh Jackman) cared about being the best, on matter the cost. One might say, he only loved himself… Which, to a certain point, is a very important type of love.
- 500 days of Summer – bitter-sweet story about love and how subjective it is. And it really boils down to finding that ONE person, right? You can vibe and feel “chemistry” with a lot of people, maybe even flirt a bit? But if they are not the one, it will never work. That is a bitter pill to swallow, but yeah.
- Moonlight – what a beautiful, tragic movie. The three acts carry out a powerful message, one after the other. Being rejected and raised around drugs, struggling with your sexuality and not being able to understand emotions. Gets me every time.
- If Beale Street Could Talk – oh, the softness… The chemistry pouring out from the screen, combined with a delicate music composed by Nicholas Brittel (most recently? Andor) is a tragic story about two teenagers discovering each other.
And sometimes you love a person just because they feel like home.
I hope you will enjoy these movies as you go about the lovely month of February. For some reason, it is my least-liked month of the year, so maybe watching some of the sweetest love stories will change my mind?

Anyway, I like doing these lists for you, Lot! So, have yourself a merry day of love! Celebrate, no matter the relationship status. Order in some good food and turn on a good movie. And remember – you can NEVER go wrong with Star Wars! 🙂