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Timing is everything

Timing is everything

            Timing truly matters and oftentimes it is everything. In life, movies, work – pretty much everywhere. One more thing, much more real about timing – it’s a bitch. But then again, what’s for you won’t pass you, right? I have questions: is it meant to be for me, or them as well? What if our minds are tricking us to what’s meant for us? How do you know? 

Sometimes, the thing you’ve been looking for your whole life is right there beside you all along.

            Timing is crucial in a lot of aspects in life, there’s no denying. But should we question it, beat ourselves about it? Kicking ourselves for not taking that chance or saying no to that date. Fate is important, but that gut feeling is something we cannot ignore. If something doesn’t feel right in that particular moment – fate or not, don’t ever do things against yourself.

Tea solves a lot of problems

Yet we tend to guilt-trip each of these bad decisions. Oh, speaking of bad decisions, am I listening to Bastille again? Yup. Anyway, that’s human nature. It all comes down to hesitation. I know it was hesitation that stopped me… Or saved me? 

See, that’s just it – how the hell are we supposed to know? What if that love story would work, all those years ago? But what if I dodged a bullet? Every decision or in-decision creates a nexus. 

If you have chemistry, you only need one other thing … timing. But timing’s a bitch.

            Think about that one major decision that could have fundamentally changed your life. What if… What do you think your life would look like? Do you think it would be better? But maybe that is exactly how the timing works? Maybe all these hiccups… Maybe it’s timing doing its magic?

And who said that all these things, these un-made decisions will not result in the ultimate one? The “decision boss”.  I passed on one opportunity at work, the timing didn’t feel right. I felt regret – not instantly – but I did. Only for a minute, because when the next chance came along, I took it. 

Lucjan <3

It didn’t work, but… And as a result, a nexus was created. Nexus, where other wheels were put in motion and… Something else appeared. Do you see what I mean? Every decision has an impact, not only on you but also on people and environment around you.

This whole world is wild at heart and weird on top.

            What’s for you will not pass you… A friend of mine told me that. And it is stuck in my head, like the new George Ezra album. I decided not to dwell on the timing back in December, after talking to my good friend Albert

That entire meet-up with Albert was timed perfectly, when I think about it. I put out there one tweet and here we are, recording podcasts together. Turns out, the moment you stop treating time as your enemy, amazing things happen. Though, on the other hand – Christopher Nolan often uses time as the adversary… Which obviously makes me feel torn. 

I think with timing it is important to know what you DON’T WANT. And if you know that, trust me, Lot – you have a part of life figured out. But life is one thing, and I got way too philosophical. Timing is also very important in movies! 

I never considered myself a lucky person. I’m the most extraordinary pessimist. I truly am.

            Christopher Nolan is a true king of timing. In my opinion, of course, but I have science to back it up. And by science, I mean I was sitting in the cinema with a notepad and stop-watch, measuring the time. 

I did that with Tenet. Nine times watching, so I had all the bases covered – script, acting, directing, soundtrack and timing. The ultimate scene was perfect for timing and I am happy to report that it added up to the very last second. Like all Nolan’s movies! 

Source: esquire.com

But I decided to make a slightly different list – not with the technical timing, but with this “perfect moment” vibe. As we know, every moment can be perfect if we make it so, but below is a bunch of my favorite little “perfectly timed moments”. Picture synchronized dreamily with a sound. 

Perfect timing in movies/series

  1. He’s just not that into you + Keane – Somewhere only we know
    This is one of my favorite movies of all time – typical rom-com with a happy ending, but damn. This moment gets me every time. And it captures the issue of timing just… Just right. 
  1. Guardians of the Galaxy + Redbone – Come and get your love
    I will never forget the first time I saw it in the cinema – it was amazing! I love that song and it suits this moment so well. 
  2. Star Trek: Beyond + The Beastie Boys – Sabotage
    POWERRRRRR!!! Movie itself wasn’t perfect, but the use of that song? Damn. 
  3. The Office (Niagara Falls) + Chris Brown – Forever
    Do I even have to explain? One of the sweetest moments in pop culture. 
  1. 2001: A Space Odyssey + Johan Strauss – The Blue Danube 
    This scene combined with this tune is so powerful, oh my Maker. Classic, absolutely iconic. 
  2. Bright + Bastille – World Gone Mad (movie version)
    Yeah, my Bastille phase is strong. Movie was very, very mediocre/bad, but the choice of songs was damn fine. World Gone Mad in this slowed version hits the spot. 
  3. Peaky Blinders + Nick Cave & Bad Seeds – Red Right Hand
    Basically, any and every moment in that show paired with this song was PERFECT.
  4. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 1 + Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds – O children 
    Oh, that moment in the movie was pure magic. So electrical, so mature… This song instantly became one of my favorites one. 
  1. We bought a Zoo + Jonsi – Sinking Friendships 
    Heartbreaking moment in the movie, but timed perfectly in the story. 
  2. Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse + Blackway & Black Caviar – What’s up Danger
    WOW! Watching it in the cinema for the first time? I was picking my jaw from the floor. I have chills even thinking about it now! 
Artwork by: raphtor, devianart
  1. Twilight + MuseSupermassive Black Hole
    It is more of an honorary mention, but damn! This was so damn good. I wonder if Muse regrets agreeing for the crew to use their hit song in this film…

            What would be on your timing list, Lot? Let me know!

3 thoughts on “Timing is everything

  1. Sheesh, the what ifs will be the death of me one day, I swear. As much as I tend to believe that everything happens for a reson, I still feel like timing is a bitch too damn often.
    I love your list of perfectly paired scenes and songs. For me, What’s Up Danger is a killer! But also, I’d add Theory of Everything with that final song, Top Gun’s opening scene(s) with Danger Zone and, of course, Gladiator paired with Now We Are Free. GOOSEBUMPS!

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