Welcome to Twin Peaks Café!

A place with damn fine coffee and long stories

One year anniversary

One year anniversary

              One year… First birthday. This is my 57th entry on this blog.  And if you would ask me a year ago, on September 30th 2019 if I see myself doing THIS (still), regularly and with determination, I would laugh and shake my head no. I am being completely honest here: I didn’t believe I would last this long.

But here I am, with you all by my side. This is amazing! One year… What was I thinking?

Started from the bottom, now we are here!

              I remember the struggle, whether I should do it or not. Wondering If I am good enough to pull it off. Deciding if my writing is even slightly “fine enough” to be posted on the Internet. I was absolutely terrified. First of all because I wanted to do it the right way: having a real website and all. I spent countless hours on research and “how to” guides. When I finally decided to do it, I spoke with Kate (yes, the same Kate that is one of my favorite humans and was an inspiration for Mulan review) and she told me that a friend of hers is a blogger too, that she could arrange a meeting and we could chat about it. So, we met up (all 5 of us, for board games night) and when I talked with Joanna, I realized just how much work is ahead of me.

AR Bar, September 8th 2019

She gave me great advice – technical advices – but it was my job to make it work. I’m pretty sure, there is still technical stuff that I have no idea about but hey – the page is working well. One headache less! And you know what? I am damn proud of myself, for building it from the scratch. Okay, I used a template/theme that was available, but still managed to put my autumn-y accents in.

Joanna also told me to keep on writing, as much as possible. At first I was like “sure, I mean… it’s not that hard, my blog will be about movies, TV shows and stuff”. But it only seemed easy. The key to sustaining an audience, keeping them engaged and interested is being regular. So, I posted “more” in the week, until I decided to release my texts weekly.

I got this notebook filled with aesthetics (except this picture above) from Marta for my birthday last year <3

              This entry is special – it marks ONE YEAR of Twin Peaks Café. Place, that for me is an assembly of all the things I love. It’s full of reviews, which are not exactly your typical movie review. It serves as my personal diary, when often I talk with my conscience or share life reflections. Lately I also wrote Travel Journal and I kind of liked it? What better way to celebrate than using quotes from my favorite films and shows?

I’m not superstitious, but I am a little stitious.

              Yes, I know. No The Office review yet!!! And I claim my eternal love for that series since day one. But it will come, I promise. There is so much to write about… The Lion King, all Star Wars films. So many “marvelous people”, who deserve a permanent spot in Twin Peaks Café Gallery. And you know what? I can’t wait to write all of this. Posting once a week is enough and it gives me time to deliver the best quality. To think about what and how, to do some research… I love this.

But it didn’t come out of thin air. In two days, my Movie Club at work will celebrate its 2nd birthday and all my work there was the starting point for Twin Peaks Café. Back in te COVID-free times, we went out to the movies as a group. And after that, I would write a LONG-ASS e-mail with pictures and a little review. And I remember, that it was Pati who said to me one time, that I should seriously consider writing for the masses.

An idea is like a virus. Resilient. Highly contagious. And even the smallest seed of an idea can grow. It can grow to define or destroy you…

              This one grew to define me. Looking at my old posts, I see how much I’ve grown since then – as a writer. But that was, still is, impacted by all the things that happened to me. Heartbreak, human resources losses, friendship that ended and new that emerged…

One of the pictures for first TPC photo shoot.

COVID verified a lot. Firstly, our skill to adapt. “New normal” is not new anymore, it’s reality, day to day reality. Secondly, we had to adjust our lifestyles to be more digitized. Video-calls team meetings, online Movie Club. It took me 5 whole days to move it online and create “Wonder-Movie LIVE podcast”. Why live? Well, you know how typical podcasts work – someone talks about something for an hour. WM podcast is live, because we actually TALK! Sure, I talk first for 10-15 minutes, but then we have heated discussion about stuff.

And this is how “THIS PODCAST IS NOT WHAT IT SEEMS” happened. Another feature for this blog. Now, podcasting is fun (A LOT OF FUN) but I still must figure out a few tech details, this is why I’m not recording much these days. Once I do, I will re-upload all episodes with fixed audio! But the point is, that this was step out of ANOTHER comfort zone. I grew.

I have a bad feeling about this…

              Till this day, I still do. Just a few days ago I complained to my friend that all of this… This blog, my writing, Movie Club – all pointless. How bitter of me to complain with a one year anniversary on the way. But I just couldn’t stop my brain. What if all of this is nothing more but a waste of time? Mine and yours. Not so long ago a guy told me that watching films is a waste of time.

I will defend cinema TO THE DEATH, but what if he was right in my case? Maybe I am just throwing away precious time that I have. So, I doubted. Who wouldn’t? And then I thought about it. Actually, I didn’t sleep at all just because I was thinking about it.

I am no photographer but if any band is looking for INSTANT photographer, here is my CV.

              I worked so hard to where I am today – with my writing, comfort zones and… Well, making my dreams come true. I own that. One year!!!! It took me one goddamn year. And I will never call it “wasted time”, duck no. Sure, for some people it is more important to go outside, to the mountains or whatever. And I respect that. But that’s the beauty of it – there are so many different passions! We can share and enjoy them, but why spread such bullshit?

Don’t ever, for any reason, do anything, to anyone, for any reason, ever, no matter what, no matter where, or who, or who you are with, or where you are going, or where you’ve been, ever, for any reason whatsoever.

              Wise words from a wise leader (and one of the best out there!) – just [softly] don’t. Is it really worth it? Think. Just think about it. Imagine seeing a puppy being genuinely excited about going for a walk, he wants to fetch that ball with you. Would you say no? Or ignore that tail wiggle? Tell him to shut it down, the excitement? (If yes then please, rethink your life!!!!). So, why do you care so much, one would ask.

I’m human and sometimes it’s hard for me to think logically, without emotions. Just a cold, calculated thought process, you know? Remember, I am a textbook ambivert: thriving around right people, but quiet observant when in regular mode.

Another page from this wonderful b-day gift.

              Life should be about doing what we love, chasing our passions and making dreams come true. We should appreciate other people – artists, friends, strugglers, warriors – more. They need that, so much. Especially in those awful, distant times. I know that right now (at least in Poland) we can still hang out and meet, go for a movie and all but… This can change within days. And being locked-locked at home for a few months was horrible. So, why don’t we praise more? It’s easy and costs nothing. Do me a favor. Or, better – as a birthday gift, say to someone how much you value them. How wonderful life is while you’re in the world! Let’s put some smiles on!

I just think we need a chance as humans to fall, in order to discover what actually works.

              This show is next one on my “to write” list, don’t worry. Comedic as it seems, there is a meaningful message and real struggle. This is why Glover’s creations were so easy to relate… Atlanta, Guava Island and of course his music (current, not the oldies – don’t get me wrong, I love his older songs!). The thing is – if you’ll never try you will never know.

Bottom line is that we should keep on trying. I know that Yoda said Do or do not. There is no try. And he was right, but TRYING is the first step towards DOING, correct? Look at me, lot – I tried and started this place.

Funny thing – I posted this polaroid on my Instagram (deleted it though) months before Bastille started shooting Glory video. And the caption was „And then you put your hand in mine, and pulled me back from things divine…”
Guess what? Dan promoted this clip with POLAROID pictures. I mean…

              Besides, think about this: when we were kids, our parents kept signing us up for different activities. For me it was dancing, karate and library duty (I LOVED spending my free time at my local library so it evolved into full time help). Hold on, I am thinking… What else? Languages! I started learning English in kindergarten. Have you ever wondered why?

It’s critical for children’s development. As a kid, you have no idea what and how and where. Your brain was a sponge, consuming everything that’s on the way. It is not enough to just think about our potential. Work on discovering it, living it, making it a reality…

I just wanna go on more adventures. Be around good energy. Connect with people. Learn new things. Grow.

              One year… Decades ahead! Speedbumps are calculated in that risk I took. And that is something that my mind will have to learn how to cope with. Guess what, though? Conversations help. Pouring out my heart helps. Perhaps it is good to have a beautiful mind, but an even greater gift is to discover a beautiful heart – right?

Looking back at that year I can say, with full honesty, that I was 100% true. I am and will be – there is nothing for me to hide. It would be hypocrisy. Everything you read here, is true. Everything you heard about me is true! I think that there was one moment that redefined me in a way. Heartbreak is a bitch, right? But damn, how much you can learn from this experience.

              Recovery is difficult and doubts are creeping in on you – was this my only chance? Is this bad karma catching up with me? Is the Universe punishing me for being… Picky? I don’t know. Probably neither, just bad timing. It happens and I’m glad it happened to me. One year later and I am finally ready to let go and move on. Actually, you know what? This is my birthday pledge.

Trip to Dresden in December 2019. We visited Christmas market and Marta took some great pictures.

What’s happened, happened, right? I should look up to my mentor more often 😉 The point is – we should have the right perception of what’s happening to us. Trust me, perspective is everything. That’s exactly why talking helps – your friends and family can (and will) see things differently.

At the end of the day, you can’t regret it if you were trying. At the end of the day I’m walking with a heart of a lion.

               Few weeks back, I had a podcast at work about guilty pleasures. And when I dugged into the subject I realized that if something brings us intellectual pleasure, we should never feel guilty about it. Watching cheesy films or goofy TV shows. Writing, having a blog and letting people call you “a blogger”. Letting them say it with contempt and pity. Because you know, being a blogger these days means only one, negative things. That’s why I prefer being called “an author”. Semantics, eh?

I just looked through the window and smiled. It’s grey outside and the rain is pouring, pleasantly banging on my roof windows. I won’t hear this sound in a few months, my new apartment has straight walls. I have my tea, my fluffy blanket and warm, dimmed lights. It’s perfect and it makes me feel happy.

The best way to survive rain? Coffee and book!

               I don’t regret starting this place. Not for a single second! It was one of the best decisions I made in 2019. I feel smarter (all this research paid off), more confident and happier.

Remember who you are…

               With everything that’s going on right now – COVID, social distancing, being locked down, sometimes we can forget what, why, who. Starting therapy was a huge milestone in my life. This place was created thanks to this brave decision. And yes – I will be proud of it. There is absolutely nothing wrong with asking for help.

Look. Life is hard. Those times we live in are so challenging… How dare you consider yourself a failure? Why? Why would you refuse professional help? Life is way too precious. Please, I am begging you. Take care of yourself, because at the end of the day, YOU are the only one there. Friends, family – this can change within seconds. One day you think your best friend will be forever and the next day you are strangers. Not friends, just friendly. That hurts so much…

Work of art <3

Do you really think you can take care of others, if you are not well up there, in your mind? I know it’s the longest road. But every step we take towards feeling better is a success and must be celebrated. Stigmatism is bullshit and all those people shaming mental wellbeing are just so ducking uneducated.

               I am no expert and I don’t want to give you advice or best practices. All I can do is share my journey – painful and lonely. Sadly, it is something we must do alone but… If you look around, you will realize that more people share the struggle. As sad as this realization is, it’s also comforting. United we stand 😊  

Somebody once told me that the great kings of the past are up there, watching over us.

              Lot, but I wouldn’t do it without you. All the support, comments, nice words, likes, hearts and conversations helped me facilitate this wonderful place. One year ago I though, why not. And you helped me take this first step by saying “hell yes, girl! Go get it!”

The owls are not what they seem…

Twin Peaks Café is your creation as well. YOU made this place. Thank you. I owe you, more than one:

  • Marta B. / Cupcakethief – for my very first photoshoot, leaving your mark under almost every entry, being my friend and supporting all ideas. All of them. Stupid or not, I know that I can always count on you.
  • Kate – for pushing me (gently) to be the best, most creative version of myself. Your support means the world to me.
  • Ewa M. – with you, my life got so much lighter. When I told you about my therapy, you reacted in the best possible way. You are an art person, which is why you just get it. No questions asked.
  • Marta M. – best “movie night” buddy ever. I can always count on your ears (thanks for listening, ALWAYS) and advice. You are an excellent trivia partner and travel companion. Your support feels rock solid!
  • Monia / myserenitysky.com – I remember Warsaw in July. P!nk concert with Vance Joy as supporting act. The day after we went for a walk in this beautiful park and we talked about blogging. And we decided to do this together, so we can motivate each other. I am so damn proud of you, my friend. You are killing it!
  • Gavin – I always appreciate your wisdom and knowledge. Thank you for always having my back.
  • Radek – I’ve said it before but your recommendations are awesome. And you always show up (here or at work), even if you are not a fan of what I write about. And that’s awesome.
  • Mindy – conversations we had (have) long after my shift ends at work, helped me see things differently. With you by my side I know that it’s okay to step aside and take a breath.  
  • Szymon – my dear friend! We bonded in high school over films, food and pop culture. You opened the wonderful world of soundtracks to me. We could talk for hours and it is never enough. Thank you! You always root for me. Being around you is so damn inspiring.
  • Przemek / Comic&Coffee Corner – this encounter was one of the biggest pleasures of 2020. It started with Pub Quizzes and evolved into long pop-cultural conversations. I hope that we will collaborate on more things (film club, book club, I am down for anything). Thanks for always believing in me.
I knew exactly what to do, but in a much more real sense I had no idea what to do.

               But that is the beauty of it, wouldn’t you agree? One year ago, I promised you a blast, one hell of a ride. I hope that I lived up to that promise… And if not, I will do better. Like I said, I grew as a writer, observer and overthinker. There is so much I want to tell you! So many stories to write. Thousands of films to review. Books, songs, TV shows. New podcast episodes to record. All with great coffee in my hand. You know, now that I think about it – my love for Twin Peaks is limitless, but when it comes to coffee… I need my milk!

Eternal love

Thank you for coming to Twin Peaks Café – a place where you can have a damn fine cup of coffee and some good reading. Don’t be shy, come inside. That rain looks so much better when you look at it through that big window over there, right? So, what can I get you? Pie is on the house – after all it’s a birthday party. You can leave your coat there. Go ahead, grab a seat. There’s plenty of room. Oh, that one seat is taken, it’s for the girl that opened up this joint.

That’s my spot.

She had a dream about this very café, long time ago. Almost one year, would you believe it? You can sit next to her. If you are kind enough, she will tell you a story. And trust me, she is full of long stories. I will get that tea started for you. Ginger, lemon, orange slice. Honey and raspberries, right? I will add cinnamon sticks as well, it adds magic to it…

TWIN PEAKS CAFÉ in numbers:

  • 58 posts (22 reviews, 14 personal entries)
  • TOP countries – from where you lot are: Poland, USA, India, UK, Australia, Germany
  • TOP posts – Knives Out, Mulan, Tenet
  • 2 real time photo shoots (me being the shitties model ever, lol)
  • 190 people following Facebook page
  • 262 followers on Instagram

10 thoughts on “One year anniversary

  1. Congratulations Julia, is it only a year? It seems Twin Peaks Café has been part of our life for much longer. Here’s to many more years ahead. It seems everyone had faith in you except yourself, hopefully you now truly believe that nothing can stand in the way of what you want to do. Reading your reviews have kept me sane at a time when the Cinema was out of bounds, for that I am eternally grateful.

  2. Thank you so much for creating such an incredible place in the internet world <3 I know you will stay true to yourself that is why your blog is so special and unique! Sending all the love from HO 😉

  3. Reading your blog every Sunday morning (with a cup of tea in my hand) is my new habit.
    You’re a very talented author and you have many caring people around you for whom you’re special – I mean, just look at that notebook with quotes, wow!
    Thank you for this blog and sharing your personal views on all these topics you cover here.

  4. Lemme start with wishes – HAPPY BIRTHDAY, TWIN PEAKS CAFE!
    Now, good stuff: THIS IS THE WAY. Oh my God, I am so in love with your soul.

    I am so happy I found this place – my happy place. This is so important.

    And I will send freaking EWOKS army if anyone will doubt that.

  5. One: you are not the shittiest model ever, you may feel uncomfortable in the role but still you look great on photos so – NA – AH. I am not accepting that.
    Two: you had me all teary, how dare you!

    All I want to say is that you created a beautiful space and I hope that you’ll have the strength and patience to continue with it. Never give up on this dream if this is something that (usually) brings you joy and fulfillment because you’re co damn good at it. Be brave and strong with this one, you’ve got this!

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