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Comfort watching – movies and series perfect for anxious times

Comfort watching – movies and series perfect for anxious times

            Comfort or, in this case, lack of it, is something that keeps us awake at night. Being in an uncomfortable position, tossing and turning in bed? It’s not your bed; the lack of mental comfort is taking over. In other words: you are anxious, buddy. Escaping into movies or series is not a way out; it’s outrunning the problem. The thing is, they always catch up. So, sure – watch away. But don’t neglect the source.

Whatever you end up doing, love it. The way you loved the projection booth when you were a little squirt.

            I have a feeling like we talked about this already, when I gave you the list of series to watch, right? But this was more of a mood guide, now I want to talk about the one thing I’m missing very much: comfort. I am crawling back to my pop cultural comfort zone. You want proof? Here goes the first one, for the second you have to wait a bit. Back in high school, I’ve been through a lot of changes, including the most important one: introversion. Or, accepting it. Even though The Lion King brought me a lot of pain, it felt comfortable.

I knew what was coming. I wasn’t at the edge of my seat, stressing about it. My mind was floating; making circles in the fishbowl. I could process whatever was happening in my head with that metal comfort in my head.

The alternative is of course to play some games…

            Those past few weeks have been tremendously stressful to me. Work, studies, the apartment. It’s all fun, until you realize how much pressure you’re under. Work is absolute hell right now, and I am not sure if this is because “it’s that time of year” or is it just “new normal” for me. But I don’t think it’s just me, you know? I feel like it’s everyone around me, tackling such a hard period. All of this makes me think more and more – that this job is just a pit-stop for me. Sad, but true. Especially right now, when I feel outnumbered and out-yelled.

Out of the fire of love come ashes. Even the greatest love eventually fizzles out.

            Burn out. Lack of comfort. “Hey, you are way too young to feel this tired”. “You are way too young to be anemic”. “Oh… But you are so young, how can you feel burnt out?”. The things we (I) hear almost every day. As if only people of a certain age can be tired. Or feel down, even for a day. Ah, yes. We live in an era, where everything and therefore everyone must be labeled, assigned a number in an Excel column.

And the truth is, we just tend to see people – not the way they are – but the way we have “processed” them in our heads. The image is always crooked, always subjective. And since there is nothing objective in this world, we walk through life thinking that people are the way we THINK they are. And we should never assume anything.

Often, I see posts about relationships – all of them – should be equal, 50-50. There should be “AND” instead of coma. Equal always. We are all humans with supposedly the same rights. Ha, what a good joke. I heard somewhere that to close the current gender pay gap, we need 108 years. But that 50-50 bullshit gets me every time. Yet another socially-enforced expectation.

After all these years, I thought I was stronger, that I’d forgotten a lot of things. But, in fact, I find I’m right back where I was, as if I’d never been away.

            Because what if you feel at 20% one day, and 98% at the other? Would you force yourself to make it up to 50 or hide the power and enthusiasm? BS, I am calling it the way it is. Does it have anything to do with comfort? No, hell no. But people rarely understand. It is so goddamn rare to find understanding these days. And so we (I) keep explaining myself in situations that I shouldn’t. I keep apologizing for things that I shouldn’t; compromise on things I don’t want to…

The apartment was supposed to be a piece of cake now. Just tiny decisions like the tile placement. Or how many lights I want in the kitchen. All of it is such a pain… But I know it’s something everybody is going through. I am not alone in this. Which is very comforting.

My bedroom is finally getting real shape!

            Hey now. I promised you a list of things you (I) can watch when in desperate need of comfort. So, buckle up Lot, here it goes!

Movies with Robin Williams

            Though it is a bitter-sweet recommendation, when you think about it. He made so many people smile and laugh… At the same time, he suffered in silence. Nevertheless, his movies are on my forever to-watch list. Whether it is Mrs. Doubtfire, Hook, Jumanji or Patch Adams – I always feel better, and I know them inside-out.

Comfort level: 10+

Source: Pinterest
Lord of the Rings (2001-2003)

            Both books and movies are my comforting champions, however – movies only in extended versions! 😊 Kidding, whatever works better for you. There are a lot of things that make Tolkien’s trilogy great – friendship, unity, sacrifice, dedication, innocence… It is just so pure and wonderful. Something to watch on any day – sunny, rainy, snowy – you name it.

And just remember how universal the movies are – I named them one of the greatest love stories, no?

Comfort level: 100+

Source: Pinterest
Shazam (2019)

            DC made a pretty darn good superhero film, apart from Wonder Woman in 2017. And that is about it, haha. Shazam is one of my favorite DC characters. The concept of a teenager “trapped” in the adult body, trying to figure out how to live such life? Boy, do I understand that way too much.

And it is really funny, aside from touching upon very serious subjects. Which is just an added bonus.

Comfort level: 8!

Source: Pinterest
Sherlock Holmes (2009) & Sherlock Holmes: Game of shadows (2011)

            RDJ is my Sherlock, thank you for coming to my TED talk.  No, but seriously – give me RDJ, Jude Law and Hans Zimmer any day, and I will take it. It was a captivating series and the third part is coming, which makes me very happy. There are a lot of good memories I have with those movies. Perfect for a rainy night.

Comfort level: 8.5

Source: Pinterest
American assassin (2017)

            Recently controversial due to some national aspects, but aside from that fuss – one of my favorite spy movies. Based on a gripping book series by Vincent Flynn (which I basically devoured, reading one book a night last summer). Despite many differences between the movie and source materials, it is a good film and I come back to it quite often. I hoped for the second part but the more I think about it, the stronger I believe it should be made (if at all) as a series.

Comfort level: 8

Source: Pinterest
Detective Pikachu (2019)

           Come on, Lot. Just shut the front door and admit that it was a pretty fun, sweet and warm film. With freaking Pokémon! And I don’t care if people complain – I had tears in my eyes, when I heard the theme song in the film. I watched it as a kid and I will always watch it as an adult.

Ahh, I have to tell you a story of how I convinced my grandma to take me to the cinema to see Pokémon: The First movie. It was a special summer screening in Poland, I think it was in 2002. I told my grandma that this is a movie about animals – I knew I blew my chance with my parents, because I told them the truth about Pokémon. So, next time I was smarter. My granny agreed and so we decided to walk to another city to see it.

Source: Pinterest

We decided to take a beach walk and unfortunately, I stepped on a small fish that cut my foot. But we kept going regardless, that’s how bad I wanted to see that film. We finally made it to the cinema – there was no popcorn, but I didn’t care – and the movie started rolling. I remember the horror on my nana’s face, but she kept a straight face for me. Even though she hated it. Love, am I right?

Comfort level: 10+

Bourne series (2002-2017, 2016)                            

           Series that I watch with my mum at least once a year, because she keeps forgetting how the third part ends. I think this is the only case like, ever, for me, that I prefer movies over books. Oh, I can’t go through that damn thing. Movies on the other hand… Classic spy cinema. Next to sci-fi and fantasy – my favorite.

Comfort level: 9

Source: Pinterest
The Maze Runner (2014-2018)

            Books were great and movies lived up to the expectations. All I can say, the everyone needs a Chuck in life, okay? Besides, it is a great concept, when you think about it. Touches upon very important areas as well. And it’s fun, captivating and funny. And hell, was I scared at times? Heck yes!

Comfort level: 10

Source: Pinterest
CSI: Miami (2021), CSI: New York (2004-2013)

            Time to talk about the series and now is my second proof: every day in PL TV (tv6) there are two episodes of CSI: Miami (Mon-Thu) and CSI: NY (Fri-Sun). I used to watch it during my studies as a comfort-watch at night and… We are back at it, with full speed. I sometimes feel like I’ve watched all episodes of both shows, but there are still some that I watch with great interest.

For me, this is the definition of comfort. It is everything a human being needs, and more. These days it is my usual 9PM.

Comfort level: 1000+

Source: Pinterest
Baywatch (1989-2001)

            So, I told you about my usual night and now it is time for usual 7AM (since I wake up at 5, it feels like the middle of day already) – BAYWATCH in all its glory. It kind of feels like… Can’t believe I’m gonna say this, but it feels like Baywatch was ahead of its time? I mean, objectifying women and making them wear those ridiculously cut swimsuits is still too much, but… There is something enjoyable about the plot. I want to watch it season by season, but that’s gonna take a lot of my time.

Comfort level: 6

Source: Pinterest
FRIENDS (1994-2004)

            I am so glad I decided to watch that series NOW. Like, it hits you differently when you are closer to the characters, age-wise. Some jokes are outdated and way out of line, but it’s a series beloved by many – yours truly included. Safe to say it is a classic that all generations should watch at some point. I’m halfway through and it’s still good.

Comfort level: 12

Source: Pinterest
Schitt’s Creek (2015-2020)

            What can I say? Pure joy, pure love and funniest show on Earth. So smart, witty and serious when it needs to be. Since it is a recent discovery, I still watch it with full attention, but it is super-comforting. I have a few favorite episodes, including this one, but I will always recommend watching it from the start. Witnessing the characters evolve, grow and transform… One of the greatest pleasures ever.

Comfort level: 100+

Source: Pinterest

Life isn’t like in the movies. Life… is much harder.

            I wish I could tell you otherwise, Lot. But life is pretty darn hard. The thing is to find comfort in the little things – like going to the movies alone, eating gzik with your loved ones, taking care of friends’ dog while they are away. Or… Watching something, that eases your anxiety. Some will say that life is too short to watch something that you’ve already seen.

Kobe <3

But you know what? That is your life and they can go fluff themselves. If you feel like watching Star Wars all over again just because you like it, knock yourself out. Start thinking a bit more about your own comfort, instead of making everyone else comfortable. There is a huge difference between setting healthy boundaries and letting people walk all over you.

6 thoughts on “Comfort watching – movies and series perfect for anxious times

  1. Great post with a very important topic.

    My 'comfort movies’ would be definitely sci-fi. What for one could be seen as horror and terror on the screen (predators, aliens and other blood thirsty creatures) for me is often relaxing and re-energizing.
    I guess I am weird, haha.

    Regarding work.
    Based on my 14 yrs experience it’s almost always better to change job when it starts to take a toll on your physical and mental state. Life is too short to spend one third of it (8 hrs / day) on something that makes us anxious.
    Looking past, my average stay at every company I worked for was about 2 yrs. It’s sad but when you overperform (compared to your peers) usually you don’t get recognition but more work instead 😀
    Especially nowadays, 'staying loyal’, is not worth it when you see that companies never have second thoughts when looking for savings. Next couple of months will be deciding for me whether I want to stay where I am or move somewhere else.
    There’s simply too much work.

    What is that game that you’re playing there? 🙂

    1. It does not surprise me that you chose SCI-FI and horrors as you comfort watch! 🙂
      As for work… Yes, I think you are right. It just has to catch up with me to realzie.

      It’s „The Wolf Among Us” by Telltale games.

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